The parade Starts at the Fort and will go down Company Street to Market Street, and it will turn and come back down King street and end at the Fort.
There is no parking on Company Street, Market Street, King Street, Church Street and Queen Cross Street from 3:00 AM to 4:30 PM
The Police Department will be removing vehicles parked on these streets.
From the POLICE Department and National Park Service:
POLICE: Remember, do not serve alcohol to minors on floats, nor toss beer cans out to the crowd where a minor might catch it. Clothing requirements that are part of the VI regulations are in place even during parades, and officers will be on hand to enforce them. ANY TRACTORS OR TRUCKS NOT ALREADY LICENSED FOR THE YEAR MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE YOU CAN PARTICIPATE. Please call the VIPD and ask how you can prevent being ticketed and pulled on parade day!
National Park Service: Please note that all floats, troupes, and trucks on finishing may stop no more than one minute to let people off, then continue driving away, so that the parade doesn't get blocked up. After finishing at the King Christian Hotel, NPS officers insist that music is cut off until the other side of the NPS parking lot.
From the parade committee:
Years ago, the police department threatened to shut the parade down. Their big concern was that candy and toys were being thrown from floats along the parade route. The items often hit columns and rebounded back under the wheels of the trucks. Children scrambled under the trucks to get the candy. That's kids! We have to be the adults. To prevent a catastrophe, please have walkers beside your floats tossing or handing out items carefully.
There are two parts to the St. Patrick's Day Parade: the children, and the adults. Children should be protected from bawdy behavior, yet Adults should feel free to let their hair down and not have to worry about being role models on this day. Therefore, we put the children in front of the parade, which gets them out of the hot sun faster too. Children's floats must arrive early, via King Street through town, so that we can make sure we can pull them to the front. Race cars, antique cars, and dealer model cars split the parade into two parts, and the adults go in the back.
MUSIC! Music will (hopefully) be spaced so that the parade route has fun all the time. Within each half of the parade, music will start with live musicians, then lightly amplified music, with the biggest amps and speakers in the rear. We will never cover up a clarinet or acoustic guitar with speakers bigger than Government House.
Please control your trash. We have never charged for entry, but as more trash piles up, the cost of clean-up has risen to over $2000, and that's with committee members picking up trash afterwards as well. This will have to be passed back to you if it goes any higher.
Please tell everyone you know that any cars parked along the parade route on Saturday will be towed at owner's expense!
Please do not let your drivers drink until after the parade is over. WE don't want to run anyone over!!
The parade starts on time! 11:00 a.m. sharp! If you're a children's group, you must be at the front of the parade, so if your music is not here yet, that's unfortunate, but we're not putting children in the back with people drinking, or out in the hot sun for any longer than we have to. The only reason this parade has ever been held up even a minute is when the police have required it.
Gaps in the parade kill the energy. People start heading down to the boardwalk when there is a big gap. When the parade marshall asks you to drive forward and enter the parade, please do so at once! Keep your drivers in the driver's seat with the engine running while waiting your turn to pull up!
If you need to call 911, please let the parade committee know as well, 340 332 2472, so we can do all we can to help keep everyone safe.
If a Parade Official asks you to do anything, there's a reason for it, please cooperate. You'll be able to tell who they are: committee members will have green parade shirts with 'PARADE OFFICIAL' on the back, and helpers will have clipboards and duck tape!